Compound(75732-01-3)Application of 75732-01-3 received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(Mesitylcopper(I)), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.
In general, if the atoms that make up the ring contain heteroatoms, such rings become heterocycles, and organic compounds containing heterocycles are called heterocyclic compounds. An article called Soluble Zintl Phases A14ZnGe16 (A = K, Rb) Featuring [(η3-Ge4)Zn(η2-Ge4)]6- and [Ge4]4- Clusters and the Isolation of [(MesCu)2(η3,η3-Ge4)]4-: The Missing Link in the Solution Chemistry of Tetrahedral Group 14 Element Zintl Clusters, published in 2012-09-05, which mentions a compound: 75732-01-3, Name is Mesitylcopper(I), Molecular C9H11Cu, Application of 75732-01-3.
The number of Zintl phases containing polyhedral clusters of tetrel elements that are accessible for chem. reactions of the main-group element clusters is rather limited. The synthesis and structural characterization of two novel ternary intermetallic phases A14ZnGe16 (A = K, Rb) are presented, and their chem. reactivity was studied. The compounds can be rationalized as Zintl phases with 14 alkali metal cations A+ (A = K, Rb), two tetrahedral [Ge4]4- Zintl anions, and one anionic heterometallic [(Ge4)Zn(Ge4)]6- cluster per formula unit. The Zn-Ge cluster comprises two (Ge4) tetrahedra linked by a Zn atom, with one (Ge4) tetrahedron coordinating with a triangular face (η3) and the other one with an edge (η2). [(η3-Ge4)Zn(η2-Ge4)]6- is a new isomer of the [(Ge4)Zn(Ge4)]6- anion in Cs6ZnGe8. The phases dissolve in liquid NH3 and thus represent rare examples of soluble Zintl compounds with deltahedral units of Group 14 element atoms. Compounds with tetrahedral [E4]4- species were previously isolated from solution for E = Si, Sn, and Pb, and the current study provides the missing link for E = Ge. Reaction of an NH3 solution of K14ZnGe16 with MesCu (Mes = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2) in the presence of [18]-crown-6 (1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane) yielded crystals of [K([18]-crown-6)]2K2[(MesCu)2Ge4](NH3)7.5 with the polyanion [(MesCu)2Ge4]4-. This MesCu-stabilized tetrahedral [Ge4]4- cluster also completes [(MesCu)2Si4-xGex]4- clusters, which were previously isolated from solution for x = 0 and 0.7, as the end member with x = 4. The electronic structures of [(Ge4)Zn(Ge4)]6- and [(MesCu)2Ge4]4- were studied in terms of a MO description and analyses of the electron localization functions. The results are compared with band structure calculations for the A14ZnGe16 phases (A = K, Rb).
Compound(75732-01-3)Application of 75732-01-3 received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(Mesitylcopper(I)), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.
Iodide – Wikipedia,
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