Pachore, Sharad S. et al. published their research in ChemistrySelect in 2017 | CAS: 133232-56-1

3-Iodo-2-methylbenzoic acid (cas: 133232-56-1) belongs to iodide derivatives. Organic iodides are widely used in organic synthesis. Halogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons is a very important reaction via an electrophilic aromatic substitution. Iodo alkanes participate in a variety of organic synthesis reactions, which include the Simmons–Smith reaction (cyclopropanation using iodomethane), Williamson ether synthesis, Wittig reaction, Grignard reaction, alkyl coupling reactions, and Wurtz reaction.Category: iodides-buliding-blocks

Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Impurities of Canagliflozin was written by Pachore, Sharad S.;Akula, Swapna;Aaseef, Mohammad;Usha Jyothi, Mudumbai;Vemuri, Sasikala;Prakash, Lakki Reddy;Vidavulur, Siddaiah;Sonawane, Swapnil P.;Syam Kumar, Unniar K.;Dahanukar, Vilas H.. And the article was included in ChemistrySelect in 2017.Category: iodides-buliding-blocks This article mentions the following:

Multiple sources of anticipated process and degradation impurities of canagliflozin drug has been identified during its laboratory optimization and later in com. scale manufacturing process. The structure of these impurities were confirmed by their independent synthesis as well as by their complete spectral characterization including 2D NMR, 19F NMR, and their chromatog. retention time profile. As a part of these investigations, three new impurities such as Hydroperoxide (Impurity-D), Sulfone (impurity-F) and Dimer (impurity-C) were characterized. The present work describe our detailed investigations on the structural characterization of canagliflozin impurities, and further their independent synthesis. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 3-Iodo-2-methylbenzoic acid (cas: 133232-56-1Category: iodides-buliding-blocks).

3-Iodo-2-methylbenzoic acid (cas: 133232-56-1) belongs to iodide derivatives. Organic iodides are widely used in organic synthesis. Halogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons is a very important reaction via an electrophilic aromatic substitution. Iodo alkanes participate in a variety of organic synthesis reactions, which include the Simmons–Smith reaction (cyclopropanation using iodomethane), Williamson ether synthesis, Wittig reaction, Grignard reaction, alkyl coupling reactions, and Wurtz reaction.Category: iodides-buliding-blocks

Iodide – Wikipedia,
Iodide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics –