Tang, Qi team published research in Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in 2021 | 144-48-9

Formula: C2H4INO, 2-Iodoacetamide is a synthetic retinoid that binds to the DNA of cells, altering transcription. It also has been found to be effective in treating bowel disease and has been shown to have dna binding activity. The compound was synthesized by attaching iodine molecules to acetamide. 2-Iodoacetamide targets the protein thiols on the surface of cells, which are responsible for oxidation and damage due to reactive oxygen species (ROS). This compound is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase and can be used as a biological sample or natural compound is a compound used as an electrophile for covalent modification of nucleophilic residues on proteins (cysteine, methionine, histidine). When modifying the active-site residues of cysteine proteases, α-Iodoacetamide acts as an irreversible inhibitor of these enzymes.

2-Iodoacetamide used in peptide mapping because it covalently binds with thiols in cysteine residues, thereby preventing disulfide bond formation. By virtue of reaction with cysteine, it is an irreversible inhibitor of enzymes with cysteine at the active site. Also reacts with histidine residues though much more slowly, and this activity is responsible for inhibition of ribonuclease.
An alkylating sulfhydryl reagent. Its actions are similar to those of iodoacetate., 144-48-9.

In general, organic iodides are light-sensitive and turn yellow during storage, owing to the formation of iodine. 144-48-9, formula is C2H4INO, Name is 2-Iodoacetamide.Organic iodides can be alkyl, alkenyl, or alkynyl, and all of them are very reactive toward with many kinds of nucleophiles. Formula: C2H4INO.

Tang, Qi;Guo, Yilan;Meng, Liying;Chen, Xing research published 《 Chemical Tagging of Protein Lipoylation》, the research content is summarized as follows. Protein lipoylation is a post-translational modification of emerging importance in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, labeling and large-scale profiling of protein lipoylation remain challenging. Here, we report the development of iLCL (iodoacetamide-assisted lipoate-cyclooctyne ligation), a chemoselective reaction that enables chem. tagging of protein lipoylation. We demonstrate that the cyclic disulfide of lipoamide but not linear disulfides can selectively react with iodoacetamide to produce sulfenic acid, which can be conjugated with cyclooctyne probes. iLCL enables tagging of lipoylated proteins for gel-based detection and cellular imaging. Furthermore, we apply iLCL for proteomic profiling of lipoylated proteins in both bacteria and mammalian cells. In addition to all of the eight known lipoylated proteins, we identified seven candidates for novel lipoylated proteins. The iLCL strategy should facilitate uncovering the biol. function of protein lipoylation.

Formula: C2H4INO, 2-Iodoacetamide is a synthetic retinoid that binds to the DNA of cells, altering transcription. It also has been found to be effective in treating bowel disease and has been shown to have dna binding activity. The compound was synthesized by attaching iodine molecules to acetamide. 2-Iodoacetamide targets the protein thiols on the surface of cells, which are responsible for oxidation and damage due to reactive oxygen species (ROS). This compound is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase and can be used as a biological sample or natural compound is a compound used as an electrophile for covalent modification of nucleophilic residues on proteins (cysteine, methionine, histidine). When modifying the active-site residues of cysteine proteases, α-Iodoacetamide acts as an irreversible inhibitor of these enzymes.

2-Iodoacetamide used in peptide mapping because it covalently binds with thiols in cysteine residues, thereby preventing disulfide bond formation. By virtue of reaction with cysteine, it is an irreversible inhibitor of enzymes with cysteine at the active site. Also reacts with histidine residues though much more slowly, and this activity is responsible for inhibition of ribonuclease.
An alkylating sulfhydryl reagent. Its actions are similar to those of iodoacetate., 144-48-9.

Iodide – Wikipedia,
Iodide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics – ScienceDirect.com