Extended knowledge of 4553-62-2

Compound(4553-62-2)Related Products of 4553-62-2 received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(2-Methylglutaronitrile), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.

Related Products of 4553-62-2. The reaction of aromatic heterocyclic molecules with protons is called protonation. Aromatic heterocycles are more basic than benzene due to the participation of heteroatoms. Compound: 2-Methylglutaronitrile, is researched, Molecular C6H8N2, CAS is 4553-62-2, about Inhalation toxicity of methylglutaronitrile in rats. Author is Kelly, D. P.; Frame, S. R.; Malley, L. A.; Everds, N. E.; Kennedy, G. L. Jr..

Methylglutaronitrile (MGN) is a high-boiling (263°) solvent/intermediate used in the fiber industry. Twenty male rats per group were exposed nose-only to condensation aerosol/vapor concentrations of approx. either 5, 25, or 200 mg/m3 MGN for 6 h/day, 5 days/wk over a 4-wk period. Ten rats/group were sacrificed 1 day after the final exposure and the remaining rats after a 4-wk recovery period. No effects were observed in clin. observations during the exposure period, but body-weight depression was observed in the 200-mg/m3 group. The 200-mg/m3 group showed minimal decreases in red blood cell count, Hb, and hematocrit values accompanied by increases in reticulocytes. There were no other effects observed in clin. or pathol. evaluations in the study. A neurobehavioral battery of tests (including grip strength, functional observational battery, and motor activity tests) given at the end of the exposure and recovery periods showed no MGN effects. During the 4-wk recovery, body weights in the 200-mg/m3 group returned to normal and the hematol. findings in all the groups were normal. Based on the above findings of body weight depression at 200 mg/m3, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for this study was considered to be 25 mg/m3.

Compound(4553-62-2)Related Products of 4553-62-2 received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(2-Methylglutaronitrile), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.

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