Discovery of 75732-01-3

When you point to this article, it is believed that you are also very interested in this compound(75732-01-3)Computed Properties of C9H11Cu and due to space limitations, I can only present the most important information.

Computed Properties of C9H11Cu. The fused heterocycle is formed by combining a benzene ring with a single heterocycle, or two or more single heterocycles. Compound: Mesitylcopper(I), is researched, Molecular C9H11Cu, CAS is 75732-01-3, about Isolation and crystal and molecular structure of a rare example of a mononuclear organocuprate.. Author is Leoni, Piero; Pasquali, Marco; Ghilardi, Carlo A..

Reaction of 2,4,6-Me3C6H2Cu with (Ph2PCH2)2 in PhMe gave [(Ph2PCH2)2]2(2,4,6,-Me3C6H2)2Cu2 (I) and its structure was determined by x-ray crystallog. anal. I consists of a linear mononuclear [(2,4,6,-Me3C6H2)2Cu]- unit with tetrahedral [Cu[(Ph2PCH2)2]2]+ as counter ion.

When you point to this article, it is believed that you are also very interested in this compound(75732-01-3)Computed Properties of C9H11Cu and due to space limitations, I can only present the most important information.

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