Iodide is one of the largest monatomic anions. It is assigned a radius of around 206 picometers. 144-48-9, formula is C2H4INO, Name is 2-Iodoacetamide.For comparison, the lighter halides are considerably smaller: bromide (196 pm), chloride (181 pm), and fluoride (133 pm). In part because of its size, iodide forms relatively weak bonds with most elements. Synthetic Route of 144-48-9.
Peng, Zhihong;Nguyen, Trung T.;Song, Wei;Anderson, Bowen;Wolter, William R.;Schroeder, Valerie A.;Hesek, Dusan;Lee, Mijoon;Mobashery, Shahriar;Chang, Mayland research published 《 Selective MMP-9 Inhibitor (R)-ND-336 Alone or in Combination with Linezolid Accelerates Wound Healing in Infected Diabetic Mice》, the research content is summarized as follows. Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a common complication of diabetes that are recalcitrant to healing due to persistent inflammation. The majority of DFUs have bacterial biofilms, with Staphylococcus epidermidis as a predominant bacterium, requiring infection control with antibiotics before treatment of the wound. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play roles in the pathol. and repair of DFUs. However, defining the roles of the 24 human MMPs has been challenging due to the presence of three forms for each MMP, of which only one is catalytically competent, and the lack of convenient methods to distinguish among the three forms of MMPs. Using an affinity resin that binds only to the active forms of MMPs, with identification and quantification by mass spectrometry, we found that infected wounds in mice had increased levels of active MMP-9 compared to uninfected ones, paralleling infected human DFUs. MMP-9 activity prevents diabetic wounds from healing. We evaluated the efficacy of the selective small-mol. MMP-9 inhibitor, (R)-ND-336, in the infected diabetic mouse model of wound healing and showed that (R)-ND-336 alone or in combination with the antibiotic linezolid improves wound healing by inhibiting the detrimental MMP-9, mitigating macrophage infiltration to diminish inflammation, and increasing angiogenesis to restore the normal wound healing process. An advantage of this strategy is the ability to administer (R)-ND-336 concurrently with an antibiotic.
144-48-9, 2-Iodoacetamide is a synthetic retinoid that binds to the DNA of cells, altering transcription. It also has been found to be effective in treating bowel disease and has been shown to have dna binding activity. The compound was synthesized by attaching iodine molecules to acetamide. 2-Iodoacetamide targets the protein thiols on the surface of cells, which are responsible for oxidation and damage due to reactive oxygen species (ROS). This compound is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase and can be used as a biological sample or natural compound is a compound used as an electrophile for covalent modification of nucleophilic residues on proteins (cysteine, methionine, histidine). When modifying the active-site residues of cysteine proteases, α-Iodoacetamide acts as an irreversible inhibitor of these enzymes.
2-Iodoacetamide used in peptide mapping because it covalently binds with thiols in cysteine residues, thereby preventing disulfide bond formation. By virtue of reaction with cysteine, it is an irreversible inhibitor of enzymes with cysteine at the active site. Also reacts with histidine residues though much more slowly, and this activity is responsible for inhibition of ribonuclease.
An alkylating sulfhydryl reagent. Its actions are similar to those of iodoacetate., Synthetic Route of 144-48-9
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