Heterocyclic compounds can be divided into two categories: alicyclic heterocycles and aromatic heterocycles. Compounds whose heterocycles in the molecular skeleton cannot reflect aromaticity are called alicyclic heterocyclic compounds. Compound: 75732-01-3, is researched, Molecular C9H11Cu, about Impact of Surface Chemistry on Copper Deposition in Mesoporous Silicon, the main research direction is surface chem copper deposition mesoporous silicon.COA of Formula: C9H11Cu.
An easy, efficient, and safe process is developed to metalize mesoporous Si (PSi) with Cu from the decomposition of a solution of mesitylcopper (CuMes) in an imidazolium-based ionic liquid (IL), [C1C4Im][NTf2]. The impregnation of a solution of CuMes in IL affords the deposition of metallic islands not only on the surface but also deep within the pores of a mesoporous Si layer with small pores <10 nm. Therefore, this process is well suited to efficiently and completely metalize PSi layers. An in-depth mechanistic study shows that metal deposition is due to the reduction of CuMes by surface silane groups rather than by Si oxidation as observed in aqueous or H2O-containing media. This could open a new route to the chem. metalization of PSi by less-noble metals difficult to attain by a conventional displacement reaction. In some applications, this compound(75732-01-3)COA of Formula: C9H11Cu is unique.If you want to know more details about this compound, you can contact with the author or consult more relevant literature.
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