Why do aromatic interactions matter of compound: 75732-01-3

Compound(75732-01-3)Safety of Mesitylcopper(I) received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(Mesitylcopper(I)), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.

The chemical properties of alicyclic heterocycles are similar to those of the corresponding chain compounds. Compound: Mesitylcopper(I), is researched, Molecular C9H11Cu, CAS is 75732-01-3, about Highly Fluorinated Weakly Coordinating Monocarborane Anions. 1-H-CB11F11-, 1-CH3-CB11F11-, and the Structure of [N(n-Bu)4]2[CuCl(CB11F11)], the main research direction is monocarborane fluorinated anion preparation deprotonation metathesis; crystal structure copper polyfluorinated monocarborane anion; mol structure copper polyfluorinated monocarborane anion; copper coordinated polyfluorinated monocarborane anion preparation; carborane fluorinated anion preparation deprotonation metathesis; silylcarborane probe weak coordination polyfluorinated monocarborane.Safety of Mesitylcopper(I).

Treatment of CsCB11H12 with F2 in anhydrous HF produced Cs(1-H-CB11F11) in 74% isolated yield. The polyfluorocarborane anion was stable in 5 M aqueous acid. It is deprotonated in 3 M aqueous base but only slowly undergoes F/OH metathesis in this medium. Salts of 1-CH3-CB11F11- were prepared by treating salts of 1-H-CB11F11- with di-Me sulfate in basic solution Neither 1-H-CB11F11- nor 1-CH3-CB11F11- reacted with ≥20-fold excess triethylaluminum. The compound Si(i-Pr)3(1-CH3-CB11F11) was generated in toluene solution and was found to exhibit a δ(29Si) value of 120.0, the highest pos. value yet observed for any Si(i-Pr)3X species. On this basis, the 1-H-CB11F11- and 1-CH3-CB11F11- anions show great promise as robust, chem. inert, weakly coordinating anions. The crystalline compound [NBu4]2[CuCl(CB11F11)] was formed when [Cu(mesityl)]n was treated with one equiv [NBu4][1-H-CB11F11] and one equiv NBu4Cl. The Cu(I) coordination geometry in the [CuCl(CB11F11)]2- anion, determined by x-ray crystallog., is two-coordinate linear, with Cu-Cl = 1.917(5) Å, Cu-Cl = 2.136(1) Å, and Cl-Cu-Cl = 176.0(2)°.

Compound(75732-01-3)Safety of Mesitylcopper(I) received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(Mesitylcopper(I)), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.

Iodide – Wikipedia,
Iodide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics – ScienceDirect.com