Continuously updated synthesis method about 75732-01-3

Compound(75732-01-3)Product Details of 75732-01-3 received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(Mesitylcopper(I)), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.

Product Details of 75732-01-3. Aromatic heterocyclic compounds can also be classified according to the number of heteroatoms contained in the heterocycle: single heteroatom, two heteroatoms, three heteroatoms and four heteroatoms. Compound: Mesitylcopper(I), is researched, Molecular C9H11Cu, CAS is 75732-01-3, about Intermediate as Catalyst: Catalytic Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Nitroalkanes to α,β-Unsaturated Thioamides. Author is Ogawa, Takanori; Mouri, Shinsuke; Yazaki, Ryo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu.

Catalytic asym. conjugate addition of nitroalkanes to α,β-unsaturated thioamides is promoted by a mesitylcopper/(R)-DTBM-Segphos precatalyst, affording γ-nitrothioamides in moderate to high syn-selectivity and excellent enantioselectivity. The intermediate Cu-thioamide enolate functions as a soft Lewis acid/hard Bronsted base cooperative catalyst to drive the catalytic cycle efficiently under proton transfer conditions.

Compound(75732-01-3)Product Details of 75732-01-3 received a lot of attention, and I have introduced some compounds in other articles, similar to this compound(Mesitylcopper(I)), if you are interested, you can check out my other related articles.

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